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You’ve always had the itch

As far back as you can remember, you’ve been jotting words on paper, a napkin, the palm of your hand. It is your mind at play. That funny old couple you saw at the coffee shop last week? You’ve decided their names are Rosa and Sam. Someday you’ll meet them again. This time, on a page.

Or, this one crazy idea

Remember that summer you backpacked through Europe, or when you spent the day at Coney Island with a person you’d just met on the train? You’ve always thought that would make a great story. But for now, it’s just in your head. You have no clue how to get it out.

Or, maybe you’re already there

Hey! You’re writing professionally. You're a screenwriter, a journalist, an author, a playwright. You love what you do and you’re good at it, dammit. Yet despite your success, you sometimes find yourself stuck, or stale, or wondering if tomorrow will be the day your ideas vanish into the air.

Who can help you take the next steps?

Wherever you are in your journey, you’ll want to walk with someone who understands what’s what.  Someone who’s been there. Someone who knows how difficult or painful or exhilarating it can be. And if this person had spent years in a famous comedy improv troupe, written a feature film, a successful play, and TONS of TV shows, and continues as a working writer today, THAT would be pretty helpful, right?

Meet Wendy Goldman...

A veteran film and TV writer-producer (and all-around good sort), who will guide you on that path. Excited? Great. She is too.

“The writing process is a tricky one, and sometimes I get overwhelmed. Whenever I feel that way I call Wendy. Not only does she bring a ton of experience as a writer to the table, but she also has a way of making you feel like the world is not ending and there is a fix to your story.”

• Niki Schwartz-Wright, TV Writer-Producer (Speechless, The Grinder, The Goldbergs)

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